ePilot: Stop Doing vs. Stop to Do
A funny video to show the difference in meaning and structure.
Link zum Angebot
Unterrichtsthema: English in use: structure & meaning (gerund vs. Infinitive)
Sprachniveau: A1 – B1
Fachliche Kompetenzzuordnung: Grammar (gerund – infinitive), listening.
Watch the video on Youtube or show the film with the transcript.
Idee zum Unterrichtseinsatz
Show the video and ask the students to deduct the grammar rule from the explanation in the film.
Then move on to „my happy English lesson“ to review the rule with the example of „stop smoking – stop to smoke“.
Make the students find out on their own how structure and meaning are interrelated.
“Also grammar can be amusing.“
Ihr ePilot Walter Steinkogler