Podcasts and Streams for English Teaching

Podcasts and streams are an easy-to-use and economical resource for up-to-date language teaching. We would like to present you a simple guide to the vast amount of material offered on the net.

To try out podcasts simply install iTunes on your PC (or alternatives such as anapod, CopyTrans, ephpod, foobar2000, Senuti, SharePod, YamiPod, vPod, winamp,Hymn) and get subscribing!

Make sure that your internet connection is fast enough, else you might have to be very patien.

  • How to podcast

    This homepage (in German) offers extensive information on how to handle podcasts for educational purposes. Detailansicht


  • Podcasting im Fremdsprachenunterricht

    Two German grammar school teachers describe how they are using podcasts as an activity tool in language teaching. Detailansicht


  • Help! Podcasting explained

    FAQ's, software links and BBC's range in podcasting is displayed here. Most material can be directly downloaded, which means that you will not need to install podcasting software yet. Detailansicht


  • BBC Podcast directory

    A new and well-organised site from which you can easily find the ideal BBC podcast. Detailansicht


  • BBC Learning English

    BBC offers a large variety of excellent video and audio material for learners of English. Requires Apple Quicktime. Detailansicht


  • English Language Listening Lab Online

    ELLLO stands for English Language Listening Lab Online. It is a collection of over 1,000 listening activites that students can view free via the internet. Most listening activites come with a downloadable MP3 audio file, transcipt and interactive quiz. Detailansicht


  • This American Life

    "This American Life" is a weekly radio show and a very popular podcast in the states. Each episode has a theme an a variety of stories on that theme. Detailansicht


  • Educational podcasting for teaching and learning

    This site contains high quality links to educational podcasts of all levels and purposes. Detailansicht


  • Guardian Unlimited

    Though a well-renowned quality paper, the Guardian's internet version also contains a rich podcast site. Topics range from news, sports, science to film reviews. Detailansicht


  • Catching the stream

    In case you find a short video or audio file that cannot be downloaded, a stream recorder might be the answer. WM recorder is easy to use. Its trial version can capture up to 10 min video or audio files. Detailansicht


  • Spotlight on: Language!

    Spotlight magazine offers a free podcast to learners of English. If you want to access the archive, however, you will have to buy a subscription. Detailansicht


  • Spotlight on: Business!

    Business Spotlight uses short interviews or monologues to introduce business vocabulary at intermediate or advanced level. To access the archive, you must be a registered user. Detailansicht


  • Free movies

    This site provides short movies, cartoons, documentaries etc. in a flash player. The streams can be recorded and converted into a medium quality video. A special section includes movie trivia and -- rather interesting -- movie goofs and mistakes. Detailansicht



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