BitsBoard PRO

Diese App enthält verschiedene Übungen, die aus Bild-Text-Ton-Kombinationen bestehen. Die Inhalte können auch aus eigenen Bildern oder Audioaufnahmen erstellt oder aus einer Datenbank bezogen werden.


System iOS
Sprache Englisch
Preisspanne bis 5€; kostenlose Lite-Version
Dateigröße 111 MB
Fachgebiet für alle Fachgebiete geeignet
Bildungsstufe Sonderschule, Kindergarten, Volksschule
Datum 22.07.2014



Bitsboard verwendet Flashcards und beinhaltet über 20 Minispiele zu den verschiedensten Themen - von Fremdsprachen bis hin zu Klängen von Musikinstrumenten. Die Benutzer können zusätzliche Inhalte entweder herunterladen oder eigene Materialien erstellen.

Die App ist ab 4 Jahren geeignet - vor allem in der Arbeit mit Menschen mit Autismus hat sie sich auch bereits vielfach bewährt.

Möglichkeiten für den Unterricht

  • "Maybe I am only the one that is totally excited about this app, but the possibilities for me boggle my mind.  Teachers can now be at home, create a spelling list, review list, etc. and then have the students download it when they arrive on their iPads at school.  In addition, teachers in the same building or district at the same grade level can all be using the same lists so students learn the same content regardless of the teacher.  Foreign language, special education, and high school biology terms have all been transformed now.  Create a list, share it with your students, and then have them review on their own time and not during precious class time.  This app can also transform the learning and review process at home.  If families own an iPad (or iPhone in the future) they can download this free app and then look for the teacher’s lists for that week.  Then the student can practice and review their school work at home.  No missing paper, lost list, etc. Furthermore, students can create their own lists.  If they consistently have trouble with a few words they can create their own “challenge list” and then add the ones they get wrong each week and consistently practice them when they have a chance.  The possibilities appear endless."

  • "When I was working with some fourth grade students, they made their own Bitsboard on the topic Rocks and Minerals (4.P.2). Not only could the others students use it to learn but the students who made the board showed their mastery of their knowledge as well. I also worked with some students with disabilities using this app as well. We used it to teach the students emotions, social skills and vocabulary."

  • Teachers can create their own "boards" with current vocabulary words, spelling words, unit terms, etc. -- just type a word and it magically provides you a choice of pictures and also audio.  You can also choose to download boards from the catalog. Popular topics include English 101, Spanish 101, Action Words, Telling Time, Count Money, Phonics, First Sentences, Emotions, Seasons, US States & Capitols, and many more!

    Classroom Applications:
    * Flashcards for any subject
    * Spelling
    * Sentence Creation
    * Vocabulary Words
    * Foreign Language
    * Students can create their own board!

App direkt downloaden

iTunes (PRO-Version)
iTunes (Basic-Version)


Education Group
Veröffentlicht am
Typ der Lernressource
Primärausbildung (1. bis 4. Ausbildungsstufe)
Volks- und Sonderschulen